Sunday, July 09, 2006

B.80. I went in search of myself. - Heraclitus

B.95. The waking have one common world, but the sleeping turn aside each into a world of his own.

B.73. A man, when drunk, is led by a beardless lad, tripping, knowing not where he steps, having his soul moist.

B.69. The way up and the way down is one and the same.

B.67. Mortals are immortals and immortals are mortals, the one. Living the others' death and dying the others' life.


Anonymous said...


'The way up is the way down' - that's an exact quote in Eliot's 'East Coker'. Heavily influenced by Heraclitus. He also goes on to say 'The way forward is the way back'

Love the last one! Just the kind of freaky thinking that keeps the mind alive!

What's the genealogy of the blog name? And yeah is that you in the pic?

Snake Anthony said...


Welcome to We Are Rolling (in so many ways). The name is stolen, as all good names are, from a song. Medeski Martin and Wood's We Are Rolling.

The picture has me exploring my new webcam with deep curiosity.

As for Heraclitus, he is one of my first loves. Second Year Philo would not be the same of he hadn't graced the Pre-Socratic era with his brilliance. The Four Quartets by T.S.E. also quotes B.69. In fact, my father, in an article on the stock market quoted B.69.! He definitely keeps the mind alive.