Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Aniruddha was a little disconcerted to find this email in his inbox one morning:

Dear Aniruddha,

Thank you for applying to the Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies at Berkeley. I regret to inform you that you have not been accepted for graduate study. Our admissions committee has reviewed all of the materials submitted with your application. Its members have the difficult task ofselecting those with the strongest overall records. Equally important is the selection of those applicants (from a pool of well-qualified candidates) who are the best fit with our program's language and literature emphasis. Each of our six language groups must draw from the small allotment ofadmissions permitted our department. As a result, unfortunately, we are not able to accept many talented applicants. We wish you good luck with your academic goals in the future.

- Lee

Perplexed, he replied:

Dear Dr. Amazonas,

I am really surprised to recieve this mail of a rejection of the application for admission, as I haven't applied to the South and Southeast Asian Studies at Berkely in the first place. Therefore, I do not understand this mail and its purpose. A kind clarification would help, if it so pleases you.

Thank you,
Yours sincerely,


Clarification soon arrived:

Dear Aniruddha,

Please accept my deepest apologies for this error and any distress my mistake caused you. I did not catch this error and am truly sorry for this.

Lee Amazonas


hedonistic hobo said...

you've got to be kidding me. there has to be more to this story. so is spring continuing. the weather in delhi is el magnifico.

jairaj said...

What the hell! Damn this is crazy, poor Aniruddha. Does this happen often?

Snake Anthony said...


Nope. That is the story. Don't rub it in with the weather. It is a very sore subject with me. It fucking snowed last week though the weather is much better today and with the daylight saving hours having begun, its quite bright outside even at 7.30pm. :D


I would hope not. This seems to be pretty bizarre.

Young Thos. said...

He doesn't even need to apply to be rejected?
This ought to be an interesting place to study.

That Armchair Philosopher said...

