Friday, February 09, 2007

The Collector of Oddities

I am The Collector of Oddities. And stamps, earrings and wine corks, but that's besides the point. The Oddities I collect are stories, or not even. Flecks of stories, the discarded detailing, incongruities of a different sense that go unnoticed because everyone is too busy trying to get on the bus.

In this past week, I have become just a bit richer.

Three days a week, I switch to work mode for my internship at an independent literary press that produces almost handcrafted books for a very niche audience. The office is a cozy apartment with big windows, sunlight streaming in, obscure paintings on the walls, books everywhere and beige carpeting.

If I were to ignore the number of letters I've folded, enveloped and franked, I could say that this experience is putting me back in touch with the artist in me, a side that I fear has slowly eroded since I started this masters programme. Interestingly, completely unrealistic conversations about poetry, William Trevor, survival and the art of romanticising globalisation have been enjoyable at the very least and I would even venture to say that I like the seclusion. But this Tuesday, the lack of touch with reality nudged me ever so slightly. The nudge was easy to mistake for an accidental brush but something about it made me look up and right after, I returned happily to the dissatisfied world of the social sciences.

A few neighbourhood boys were playing cricket on the street outside, a street that only rarely sees cars as it is in a residential area. My boss noticed this and with a faraway look in his eyes, said to me, 'What a novel way of playing cricket. On the street! Very unsafe though. Imagine that... Have you ever seen anything like it?'

I answered with a quizzical look on my face.

Still astonished, he replied, 'How very very unsual. How marvellous!' With that, he threw his hands up in the air and walked back into his office.

I might be stepping out of my area of expertise here but I believe they're called alpha males. They are boys who think they're the best thing to have happened to mankind, or at least to their family and friends. When you have an alpha male friend, it is your duty to stroke his ego and nod in agreement with his insinuations as to his superiority as a creation of God. Chances are, this will be accompanied by dashing good looks, a tall built body, a fairly charming personality. And you will have to smile appreciatively at being showered with physical affection when you're with other friends at a restaurant. At this point, your friends will raise their eybrows and smile, wanting to be introduced, inspite of your insistence that it would not be a good idea.

However, when you are sitting with another alpha male you've just met (for a volunteer project, by the way), who for the satisfaction of his own ego is buying you a drink and talking about how he came to be such a pro squash player, and your alpha male friend walks in, the conversation will go like this:

Alpha male friend to alpha male stranger, 'Hey, man. Who are you?'

Alpha male stranger to you, 'You know this guy?'

You, 'Yes, he's my flatmate.'

Alpha male friend, 'She's my girlfriend.'

Alpha male stranger, 'This guy's your boyfriend?'

Before you can respond, Alpha male friend, giving you a kiss before going back to his table to his latest victim, 'Alright. She's my sister. But no messing with her. She's a very special girl to me.'

A friend to whom I had lent some money called me yesterday in a curious state of panic, 'Listen, I have a problem. Remember those 90 pounds you lent me? I can't use them.'


'Because! Two of the 20 pound notes have an arrow near the Queen's face with c*** written next to it!'


'What do you mean, so? Now if I hand the notes to anyone at a store, they're going to think I wrote it! I don't think the Queen is a c***. She's a little unreasonable, yes but she's like any other sweet old lady.'

'Riiight. How about you use them in a machine to top up your Oyster card then? Then no one can judge you for what you think of the Queen.'

'Dude, that is a brilliant idea!'


TS said...

There is no harm in doing what your alpha-male-friend did. In Delhi, most of us do it all the time.

And I'm none of those things you mentioned (about being alpha male).

Young Thos. said...


The problems of defacing banknotes. :)

Anonymous said...

ha ha!

Snake Anthony said...


Is that so? As long as the bravado translates into real action, if need be, I'm impressed. (Though I have to give you guys credit. Delhi boys are very protective.)

Young Thos,

You know who this is?



Unknown said...

"Hello, I'd like two tickets to ... no, no, I don't actually think the Queen is a cunt, she's a very nice, sweet old ... hey, where're you taking me?"

He could also hang on to the notes, and use them to avoid paying off debts ("Hey, I've got the money I owe you! ... why, it's perfectly legal tender, just a little message ... well, it'll take me a while to collect *another* 40 pounds, you know. How about next Tuesday?")

hedonistic hobo said...

the note story is hilarious.

in delhi the alpha males end up tearing their own banyaans and beating on their chests until which time alpha male bouncer dismisses them.

Young Thos. said...


Good suggestions. I must try this if I ever find myself in this situation. :D


I love how we've come to identify your alpha male - both the fact that you used that term to refer to him, and the fact that I got it immediately.

Snake Anthony said...


Will pass that on to the possessor of those notes.


Thanks. Lol about the Delhi alpha males. The Bangalore ones are similiar except that they don't curse as much.

Young Thos,

Glad you noticed. Though nowadays he prefers to call himself Caring Dan, now that we've all told him he's too self-centred.

Renovatio said...

You left out the cigarette tucked behind the pierced ear and the oddly spiked hair they all seem to sport...

Young Thos. said...

I see. And who does he think he's fooling with that moniker?